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Crisp Temperatures and Colorful Leaves…

Question for Albert Einstein-why does time speed up after Labor Day? One week you are fighting off mosquitoes, and the next you are pulling out holiday decorations. I try to keep my ‘I Wish I Had Done That Earlier’ list to a minimum, and I wanted to share some of my Fall list with you before we hit Warp Drive.
Make sure your heating system is operational before the first cold snap. Fall is a slow time for heating and air conditioning companies, now is the time for prompt service and better rates. Don’t wait to find out you have a problem at the same time everyone else does.
Give your yard a pre-winter boost. October and December are the best times to apply fertilizer, and now is the time to throw down some grass seed to revitalize your yard. The goal is to have the grass sprouted and strong before leaves start falling on them.
Fall is the best time to plant trees, shrubs, and hardy perennials. The cooler weather is easier the plants, you’ll water less, and the roots will grow all winter. In a year, something planted this Fall will be twice as large as something planted this Spring. Plus, in a week or two nurseries and the big box stores will start discounting plants to make room for their pumpkin and seasonal sales. Bonus!

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